Health. Primal Nutrition. Exercise. Motherhood. Sustainability & Creating various things.

Hello World!

I am about to embark on a new journey in the world of blogging. Some things I have been thinking about lately are:

- Motherhood: What it means and how to lead an exciting & forfilling life with little ones by your side

- Nutrition: In particular, fresh wholesome organic food that nourishes your body and provides you with the energy you need to live well.

- Gardening: In relation to nutrition but also the satisfaction of tending to a garden and being rewarded with the yummy produce that comes with it!

- Sewing: My Nana has been teaching me how to sew and I am really enjoying this new found passion. I am hoping to learn knitting in time for winter too

- Community: Oh to live in a place where people just "pop in" for the sake of it, and where you always bump in to a friendly face on your way to the shops. A place where you Belong.

- Sustainability: My heart always aches a little bit whenever I struggle with the smell of traffic fumes while out on my run, or when the water at the beach looks a bit murkier than before, or that the queue of traffic creeping up the road is getting a tad longer as the weeks go by.

- The bigger picture: How all of this is connected

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