As many of you already know, we are expecting a little bundle of joy in about 2 weeks time!
I have noticed that some other Blogging Mama's have made a call for Guest Posts when their baby arrives in order to have a bit of time-out from blogging to rest with their newborn.
So, if you are a Blogger, or just someone who has something to say or share with the world I would love to open up this space for you while I take a little break.
Some Ideas for Posts Could Be:
- Recipes
- A Sewing/Knitting tutorial
- Showcasing your creative talents!
- Sharing something you do personally to lighten your impact on the environment
- A beautiful photograph
- Ideas for activities to do with children
- Gardening tips or ideas
- Anything else that fits in with the general feel of Violets in May
In return, I will link back to your blog or website as well as be grateful for the help of keeping my Blog updated.
So, if you are interested in contributing a guest post, please email me at

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